My Twitter/Facebook Fast

I’ve been getting some questions about my twitter and facebook fast.  To me the basic idea behind any fast is to give up something so that you can focus that energy and time on the Lord.  Recently, I felt like the Lord asked me to stop reading facebook and twitter for a season and instead use that time to draw closer to Him.

So far, the fast has been going very well.  I’m spending as much time as I can through my day either in prayer or in the Word.  I’m digging it.

Of course, as you can see I’m still blogging.  I’m doing that largely because I have a desire to share this “journey” with anyone that is interested.  I just want to share what I’m hearing and learning so I post stuff here and it, in turn, gets automatically tweeted and posted to facebook so in a way I guess I’m still posting stuff all over the place.  This all allows me to share without getting sidetracked by what else is going on in the social media sphere.

The only problem I have is that people keep sending me questions via private messages on both twitter and facebook and I have to log in to respond to those but I try just to log in, respond and log out.  It’s not a big deal.

So, now you know the whole story.

1 Comment

  1. Once, just because of life business, I stayed off facebook for about three days – I realized I was feeling so peaceful, less jaded and just more harmonious. I want to do that again soon.

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