The By-product of Happiness

Happiness is a strange thing.  The Bible teaches us that the pursuit of happiness is fraught with problems, and ultimately disappoints us.

In other words, you’ll never really be happy if happiness alone is your goal.  That sort of life is ultimately a miserable life that ends poorly.

So, how does one attain happiness?  Is it even attainable?

The counter-intuitive truth about this from the Bible is clear.  Happiness is a by-product.  It comes to us indirectly as we do the things God wants us to do.

As we seek Him, love Him, worship Him, love others, and serve others, happiness starts to seep in around the edges.  It starts as a trickle but ultimately floods our lives as we spend them on behalf of God, His Kingdom, and others.

The trick in life is not to pursue happiness but to receive it as we pursue God and His will.

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