The Pain and Peace of Pruning

I was thinking this morning that it seems that I’m going through another season of  pruning in my life.  Then, it dawned on me that I’ve essentially been going through some sort of pruning, off and on, for at least the last three years.

Pruning is never fun.  Actually, I hate it, but I’ve learned that I can take comfort in the process if I remember that it’s a sign of the Lord’s love.

God doesn’t prune us because He dislikes us.  Pruning is an act of tending and care.  God only prunes us because He loves us.

Ultimately, pruning is a way to make us more productive and more focused.  It’s one of the many tools God uses to give us the full life He wants us to have.

The truth is pruning is vastly superior to neglect, and the fact that the Lord is pruning you should bring you some real peace regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be.


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