Pressure Talk

I listened to Gary Lamb’s recent podcast about pressure today while I was taking my walk.  I must say that it was great.  I think Gary had a lot of cool things to say.  I also think it took a lot of guts to say some of the things he said.  That’s one thing that I just love about Gary.  He’s never afraid to tell it like it is. 

I’m blessed to have a friend like him.


  1. Sorry I should have proofed my email before I hit send. Can’t stand it when others don’t do that so why did I ? Teachers should know better! LOL Forgive me please? Kathy

  2. Sorry I should have proofed my email before I hit send. Can’t stand it when others don’t do that so why did I ? Teachers should know better! LOL Forgive me please? Kathy

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