Reading this post from Nancy Beach reminded me about something I learned from Jerry Seinfeld about creativity in general.
I was watching the documentary Comedian (I’m a sucker for a good documentary) and they were just sort of following Jerry around from city to city. In the documentary they also interviewed a lot of Jerry’s famous fellow comedian friends. The interesting bit was that one of the comedians said that Jerry was the first to start writing comedy every day. He actually set up a regular time each day just to write jokes. They also went on to say how weird they thought that was at first but then, after Jerry’s career gained some momentum, they all started to do it too.
The truth is that, as Nancy Beach says, creativity is like a muscle and we have to work it out regularly to build it up. I agree.
I used to think of myself as a fairly creative guy. I won a stand-up comedy thing at UGA one time and I’ve always tried to be creative in the ways that I present things when I teach. However, lately, I’ve been coming up a little dry creatively and I think that’s because I haven’t been working my creative muscles out regularly. I guess I’m going to head off to the creativity gym now and get busy!
Many churches often have creative meetings once a week…I wonder if we shouldn’t have smaller ones throughout the week to keep working the creative muscles.
Many churches often have creative meetings once a week…I wonder if we shouldn’t have smaller ones throughout the week to keep working the creative muscles.
I think it’s more about personally trying to have some time to be creative every day. Although, it might work for a team too.