The Subtle Lie that Kills All Your Dreams

There are all sorts of lies and myths that keep us from following our God-given dreams. You could probably name more than a few off the top of your head if you thought about it for any length of time.

There’s one big bold lie, however, that’s so subtle that we hardly notice it. Sadly, it stops more dreams and goals than all the others put together.

And, if it goes unchecked, it will keep you from taking even one small step towards the goals and dreams God has for you.

If you don’t know about this lie, and actively work to overcome it, then you’ll remain stuck and never move forward.

What is This Lie?

It’s the lie that tomorrow will always be the same as today.

This lie tells us that we can do it tomorrow — we can start tomorrow — because every day is the same and they’ll always be a tomorrow.

Every Day is a Different Gift

The truth is that you don’t know what tomorrow holds and every day is golden opportunity from God that must be redeemed.

You must see every day as the gift that it is, and grab it, and get all you can out of it.

There are no wasted days in God’s plans. We may waste them but they weren’t given to us to be wasted.

Things could change tomorrow. That opportunity that’s been languishing at your feet could suddenly disappear without warning.

Start that blog. Start that business. Make that call. Send that email. Spend time with that friend. Spend time with your child.

Some opportunities never come again.

Talk hold of these moments, these grand gifts, and enjoy them like God intended.

Value Today

Make the most of what you can today, and every day.

Ask God to help you to fully grasp, utilize, and enjoy every day, and every opportunity, that He graciously places in your life.



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