This post is for friends of mine that are pastors. I want to tell you that the tiredness your feel on Sunday nights is not just in your head.
I used to teach technical classes and in those classes I would typically teach 5 hours a day. I would also lead labs and discussions for 3 hours on those days. Many of the classes would last 5 days so we’re talking about teaching 25 hours in a week and when the classes were over I would be so tired. Yet, that’s nothing compared to what I feel on Sunday evenings.
There’s just something very draining about preaching and teaching. I think it’s because you’re expending physical, emotional, relational, mental and spiritual energy all at once. It’s truly a unique experience and the “holy hangover” that hits afterwards is equally unique. It’s hard to explain it to anyone that hasn’t experienced it and adding more services seems to multipy the impact.
Regardless, just know that it’s not because you’re a wimp or anything. It’s real and the only solution I know is lots of rest.
UPDATE: Just saw Dave Anderson’s post on the same topic.