
I taught a few weeks ago at church about facing tests in life.  I mentioned that one of the biggest tests we can face is the test of pressure.  Sometimes, God just allows some pressure in our lives to prompt changes or grow us up and get us ready for new challenges.  He also allows pressure so that we can see what is really in our hearts.

I know more about this type of testing that I care to admit because I’m going through it right now personally.  I’m not exactly sure why God has chosen this season to allow such pressure on me but it’s there.  I’m currently facing it in just about every area of my life.  I don’t think it’s a bad thing but it’s definitely not a fun thing.

So, what do you do when you face this kind of pressure?  Well, I think one of the keys to making it through a pressure-filled season in your life is to extend your faith and trust God like never before.  I’ve been trying my best to do that.  I’ve been stepping out in faith a lot lately.  I’ve been doing things, both large and small, that God’s been asking me to do even though they don’t make a lot of immediate sense.

Another key that helps me is to be sure that I’m eating what F.B. Meyer calls the “daily food of promise.”  During times of pressure, the promises of God are essential.  My study of the Bible starts to focus more on looking for promises.  I need these spiritual vitamins to help me stand when pressure would keep me down.

A third thing that seems to help me when faced with pressure is that I determine to just plug away and do what I know to do even if I don’t really know what else to do.  (I hope that makes sense.)  Basically, I decide to be faithful in obedience in anything, no matter how small, while I’m waiting for the big stuff to become clear.  I give it everything I’ve got even while the pressure builds rather than letting the pressure distract me more and more.

The bottom line is that God is trustworthy and we must trust Him no matter what comes our way.

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