Where to Start?

I want to be able to write “code.”  I want to be able to create basic web 2.0 sites.  I think I want to learn more about AJAX and/or ruby on rails or something but I don’t even know if that’s what I’m really looking for.  I don’t really have any idea where to start.

I realize I’m never going to be a expert on this but I want to educate myself so that I understand the basics better.  Coders, where should I start?

Help me, coders.  You’re my only hope.


  1. Depends on which side of the house you’re on: Java, dotNET, or LAMP.
    Java: don’t. seriously.
    .NET: the ASP.NET MVC platform looks so good and it’s just starting to take off. Both a good time to get started but also a bit beta’ish right now. ASP.NET is your standard draggy/droppy development environment and it’ll work, just now bare metal enough for me to enjoy.
    Microsoft has ASP.NET AJAX which is a library implemented on top of ASP.NET. It allows you to get by with easy markup or drill deeper for more control – which is cool.
    LAMP: Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a good place to start if you’re starting from scratch. If not, Python’s more OOP for me than PHP or Perl. It’s also the language of choice for the Google App Engine if you wanted to just throw an app up there without worrying about hosting.
    If you’re going to do RoR, get this: http://www.pragprog.com/titles/rails3/agile-web-development-with-rails-third-edition
    The first half of the book is a step-by-step tutorial and walk-through. It’ll get you right into the action. It’ll also help you install and setup your environment – including the PC.
    RoR understands and does AJAX by using the Prototype framework which isn’t my fav. But once you understand it, you could switch to jQuery or extJS or whatever framework makes you happy.
    You’re more than welcome to email me directly.

  2. Depends on which side of the house you’re on: Java, dotNET, or LAMP.

    Java: don’t. seriously.

    .NET: the ASP.NET MVC platform looks so good and it’s just starting to take off. Both a good time to get started but also a bit beta’ish right now. ASP.NET is your standard draggy/droppy development environment and it’ll work, just now bare metal enough for me to enjoy.

    Microsoft has ASP.NET AJAX which is a library implemented on top of ASP.NET. It allows you to get by with easy markup or drill deeper for more control – which is cool.

    LAMP: Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a good place to start if you’re starting from scratch. If not, Python’s more OOP for me than PHP or Perl. It’s also the language of choice for the Google App Engine if you wanted to just throw an app up there without worrying about hosting.

    If you’re going to do RoR, get this: http://www.pragprog.com/titles/rails3/agile-web-development-with-rails-third-edition

    The first half of the book is a step-by-step tutorial and walk-through. It’ll get you right into the action. It’ll also help you install and setup your environment – including the PC.

    RoR understands and does AJAX by using the Prototype framework which isn’t my fav. But once you understand it, you could switch to jQuery or extJS or whatever framework makes you happy.

    You’re more than welcome to email me directly.

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