You’re a Jet Not a Car

If you’re a Christ-follower, you need to realize that you were once a car but now you’re a jet.  Most people are still cars.  They can start a journey and stop along the way.  They can also back up.  Once you’ve given your life to Christ, however, you are no longer capable of those sorts of things.

A jet is a unique vehicle.  Unlike a car or a bike or a train, it can’t stop until it reaches it’s destination.  (Well, not without catastrophic results!)  The Christ-follower is designed to move forward, to soar and to fly.  The Christ-follower isn’t designed to stop and start with indecision.  The Christ-follower must head, fully committed, towards the ultimate destination and keep that destination in mind at all times.

Jets commit themselves completely.  They have no reverse.  They move forward.  They often face head winds but the move ahead.  Just as often, they soar above the storms that shake and soak the earthbound vehicles.

The truth is that if you’re a Christian, you’re either growing or your dying.  You’re either connect with God or disconnecting from real life.  You’re either moving towards God or drifting away from everything that’s really important in this world.  You’re either soaring towards the divine or stuck in familiar ruts.  There’s no middle ground.

Yes, I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing.  John 15:5 (Living)

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