Imperfect People

Our first mailer since our move should be hitting mailboxes this week.  I’m really excited about it!  The mailer isn’t about a particular series or message.  It’s really more about introducing ourselves to the folks that live nearby our new location.

FusionChurch1009_FRTAs you can see, the card basically says that we are a church for everybody, especially imperfect folks.  I think this fits who we are and says a lot about us in a very short amount of space.

We don’t know exactly what day these will start showing up but I’d like to ask all of you to be in prayer about the cards and the people that receive them.  Pray that the Lord would prepare their hearts and that many would respond to the invitation to come to Fusion.  Ask the Lord to help us to be ready for the visitors and that we would show the love of Christ in everything we do.  Also ask Him to pour out His love and grace on everyone that steps foot on our campus.

We’ll have extra cards available at the resource center this Sunday if you’d like to pick up a few to hand out to your friends.


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