Well, I’m still a day behind but I hope to get caught up this evening. Anyway, the day 9 selections were great! We finished up Mark and moved on to James and Galatians.
James has been called the Proverbs of the New Testament. It’s a very practical book. It talks a lot about faith and good deeds working together. That if you have faith, you should start to see some changes in what you do. The things you do never save you but they should reflect externally what has happened inside of you.
In Galatians, Paul is putting the smack down on some folks that have come into the church and tried to get folks to abandon the salvation they had received from Jesus through faith. Evidently, they were teaching people that you receive the salvation of God through a mixture of things. This, of course, is not correct and Paul was setting the record straight. He’s bold in the letter but you can see all through it that he loved these people and he just wanted to make sure that they were not being led astray.
These are two great, challenging books.
I don’t know about you guys but I’m wearing out my Bible highlighter.
What did you guys think about the end of Mark, James and Galatians?