Budget Cuts and Daily Bread

It’s been a couple of weeks since we broke the news that we were facing some financial difficulties at Fusion and I thought I’d give you guys an update.

As you all know, we asked for help and a lot of people have really stepped up.  I’ve personally talked to scores of pastors that can contacted me to let me know that they are praying for Fusion.  Many of these pastors have sent us money too.  I’ve also learned that Fusion has a lot of friends out there.  We’ve seen prayers and gifts come in from all over the place.  Then, of course, there are our home folks that have stepped up in so many ways.  I know that you love our church and that you believe in what we’re doing by the way you have prayed, given and committed to give in the future.

Because of all this, we’ve been able to pay every bill and not make any pay cuts!!  I can’t tell you how thankful I am to the Lord and to everyone else that has helped make this a reality!

Even with all that, our long-term outlook is still a bit foggy.  Most of our giving has been made up on one-time gifts, which are awesome of course, but they don’t tell us much about where we’re at budgetarily.  We thought we’d know something more concrete by now but it’s still hard to really tell what our giving will look like in month or two.

Still, we have great faith that the Lord will continue to take care of us day by day.  We think He just wants us to pray and believe for daily bread and trust Him to do the rest.  I’m very comfortable with that.  He’s always taken care of us and I believe He will continue to provide for us as we move forward in obedience and faith.

Thank you all again for you support (in every way) of Fusion!  I’ll update you all again as this continues to unfold.

Fusion, I love you!

1 Comment

  1. Tony,

    I’m glad to hear it. Thanks to the Dave Ramsey series which Fusion provided, we will be able to step up our regular giving quite a bit very soon!


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