Laughing at God

Sarah laughed when the Lord told her that she would have a son.  She thought she was far too old to have a baby.  The Lord replied with a question, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

For the believer, that question is a familiar one.  God seems to ask it a lot to those that follow Him.

He not only asks this question but He answers it too.  In fact, He doesn’t even give Abraham time to respond.  He tells him that in a year she’ll have a son.

Never underestimate what God can do in year, or a month, or a day…or a night.

Never laugh when He that routinely does the impossible tells you He plans to do the incredible in your life.

No matter how late God may seem to you or how hopeless the situation may look, God can do anything and He can be counted on to do what He has promised to do.

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