The Cost of Skimming

The saddest thing I see as a pastor is people that are always drifting in and out of their walk with God.

Some never fully commit to Him.  Choosing instead to “play the field” and investigate every spiritual trend and thought that hits the scene.  Others know Him and consistently stick with Him in one sense but never really find any depth in their relationship with Him because instead of diving in to His wonderful riches they only skim the surface.

Those that refuse to commit or go deeper forever hurt themselves.  They forever limit themselves.  They walk through this life with unnecessary burdens and fears.  They are filled with confusion and never find real peace.  They are “unstable in all their ways.”

To be sure, we all drift off course from time to time but the difference here is one of commitment to that course.  Some can’t decide if they really want that course, God’s course for their lives, or not and often decide to go off-road to their own detriment.  Needlessly, they wander in the dessert hopelessly looking for some new path that looks easier or more personally pleasing while their backs are knowingly turned to the one true path.

If you’ve been dancing in and out of a relationship with Him, I challenge you to stop playing the field.  Stop dating God and marry Him, or at least get engaged.  Commit to Him.  Commit solely to Him.  Commit to Jesus.  You’ll be amazed at the riches that await those that fully commit to Him.

If you’ve already committed your life to Him but have been just skimming the surface, it’s time to dive in.  You’ve been like a rock skipping across the surface of a great lake.  It’s time to stop skipping and finally come to rest in the depths of Him and His great love.  Give up everything that would hold you back and take the plunge.  You will not regret it.


  1. Pastor Tony, I am going through a situation that I have briefly told you about with my daughter and I am guessing that my response is either a testamony to my true faith in God or my skipping along the waters, how does one decypher? The issue was one of the worse I have had to experience as a parent and at the end of the situation I literally said “God I give it to You” and disturbingly and ironically I have never felt better! The issue is still there and has not been addressed but my level of stress and concern over it are non-existent. While a major portion of me understands that at this point I have no power over what is going on and that I alone can not fix it another part of me feels like I “should be doing more” and I am fine with not. I am not ignoring it but am not lending my efforts because my efforts got me to where I am in this crisis. Have I finally dove into the depths of His love and faith in Him that He will is the only one who can make right and whole the rip in my life or am I fooling myself and skipping along the surface?

    • Paullette, my advice to you is to do what you can and to trust God to take care of that which is beyond your control. You can’t control the uncontrollable. Only He can do that. Just listen to Him and obey Him in everything. Then, trust Him to do His part.

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