
I’ll blog more about this later to fully explain but a while back the Lord told me that I was going to enter a season of relative isolation so that He might do some deeper work in me.  At the time, I thought it was going to last 3-6 months.  Much to my surprise, it lasted a couple of years.

Honestly, it wasn’t something easy to go through, even for an introvert like myself.  In fact, there were times when I thought I was going to go crazy.  However, I always knew that God had my best interests in mind and that He was accomplishing something very important in me.

The good news is that I’m finally done with this “cave” season.  Shortly before my sabbatical started, it felt as if the doors to some prison cell had swung wide open and the Lord said, “It’s done.”  The skies that often seemed overcast during this season “in the cave” turned bright again and I felt totally set free.

Again, I’ll blog more about all this later but it’s just so great to be on the other side of this that I had to share.

I’m so very thankful and so very excited about what’s next.

Look out, everybody…I’ve been released!

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