There’s More to God’s Love

Novastock. The joy of a father's love in a family moment. father, son, child, silhouette,

When I first started out in the ministry I wasn’t married and I didn’t have any children, but that didn’t stop me from preaching about the Father’s love.

I thought I understood it and, looking back, I think I preached some decent sermons on it but, of course, once I had a child my entire understanding of the love a father has for his child completely changed forever.

Now, being a father teaches me so much about our Heavenly Father all the time. It’s literally lesson after lesson after lesson.

One thing I’ve noticed is that I do so very much for my kids that they don’t realize. I’m not talking about the big things and I’m not complaining about my kids not being observant. I just mean that I do a lot of little things for them that they’ll never really know.

Perhaps when they have children of their own they’ll realize that a lot was done for them, but even then they’re still never really know every last little thing I did for them.

This makes me think about our Heavenly Father and how much he does for us that goes completely unnoticed.

I imagine that even people that spend a considerable amount of time contemplating all that God is done for them are still completely unaware of countless things He has done on their behalf, both large and small.

Only when we get to heaven will the curtain be pulled back and then, for the first time, we’ll really see everything our gracious Heavenly Father has done for us.

That, however, should not stop us from thanking Him now for everything that we know He’s done for us, as well as the thousands of things that we can assume He’s doing for us beyond our perception.

Why not take some time now and thank your father for everything he’s done and every gift is given seen and unseen.

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