I’m a Mac Man

Well, I took the plunge and got myself a MacBook Pro…again. This time I love it! I guess the third time is the charm, if you know what I mean.

The whole reason I wanted to make the jump in the first place was just to vary things up a bit. I find that I tend to get into ruts and the only way for me to break out of them is to start changing things up.

Unfortunately, when I first tried to make the move I had all sorts of problems. The biggest of which was my complete and utter dependence on PlanPlus for Outlook. That program was my primary GTD mechanism and I found that I just couldn’t live without it. That is, until I moved to Todoist. Todoist is very strong and I now find that I don’t use PlanPlus much at all. (A full review of Todoist is in the works.)  So, with my dependence on PlanPlus out of the way the door opened for Mac again.

This time around I’m also viewing the whole move differently. It’s not so much an all or nothing proposition for me. I know that I’m going to have an XP workstation at the office regardless but the MacBook Pro handles my laptop needs well.

Beyond all that, I’m pleased to report that the new unibody (black keys) MacBooks don’t have the heating issues that were such a problem with the earlier models I tried.  (The unibody’s trackpad is also the first trackpad that I actually feel that I can use.  The gestures are great.)

Let me add that I’ve also given up completely on using Parallels or Fusion. I don’t need, nor do I want, to run an instance of Windows on a Mac. That sort of defeats the purpose to me and it left me with a slow machine and an always-drained battery. Instead, I’ve used a wonderful product called CrossOver and that seems to meet most of my needs.

So, I’m now a Mac user.


  1. For a while the only time I used Parallels was to watch Netflix movies… but now they have opened that up on Mac as well!

    I love my MBP, and whenever I have to use a PC it reminds me again how much Mac’s really are so much easier and better. (btw, I agree, the multi-touch trackpad is the best!)

  2. For a while the only time I used Parallels was to watch Netflix movies… but now they have opened that up on Mac as well!

    I love my MBP, and whenever I have to use a PC it reminds me again how much Mac’s really are so much easier and better. (btw, I agree, the multi-touch trackpad is the best!)

  3. I understood not one thing you wrote here, but I’m happy for you…I think? ;)

  4. I understood not one thing you wrote here, but I’m happy for you…I think? ;)

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