Prayer Focus

Fusion Church is about to enter the boldest season of ministry that we’ve ever experienced.  God is going to move in unprecedented ways at our church in the coming days  but we must do our part to prepare for Him.  How?  We prepare ourselves for His work first and foremost through prayer.

It is nothing less than inspiring to see the number of people that have agreed to pray for Fusion during this exciting season!  It’s a sign that His people are hungry for Him and it’s also a good indication of what He is getting ready to do.  When God stirs the hearts of His people to pray, you can rest assured that good things, big things, are on the way.

Of course, prayer, like almost everything else in this life, is more effective and more productive when it is focused.  With that in mind, I’m going to start emailing (to our prayer partners) and posting on my blog prayer focus points.  I hope that these focus points will help direct and guide your prayer efforts for our church but don’t just stop there.  Allow the focus points to launch you in a general direction but let the Holy Spirit continue to lead you as you pray.  I invited you to post any insights or scripture verses the Lord puts on your heart here on my blog.   I’d love to hear what God reveals to you as you seek Him!

Before we dig in, let me thank you for praying for Fusion.  You might not realize it but your prayers are powerful.  In fact, they are the most powerful weapon we have as a church.  Remember, your prayers are powerful, effective and necessary.  Thank you for helping prepare the way for the Lord to do His mighty works!

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