Learning to Love to Shave

Like most boys, I was fascinated with shaving when I was a kid. I was so eager to get started that I began shaving earlier than was warranted. Little did I know that I would quickly grow to hate the task of shaving.

Over the years, it became, at best, a necessary chore and, at worst, a pain in the neck, figuratively and literally.

Then, last year everything changed.

Now, I Love to Shave!

I know it’s hard to believe but at this point I actually look forward to shaving.

For most of my life I didn’t even know that sort of thing was even possible, and nobody could have been more surprised than me, but it’s true. I now find shaving to be almost therapeutic and I feel a little ripped off when I don’t get a chance to do it.

What made the difference?  Well, I switched from disposable razors and cans of industrial foam to a traditional shaving soap and a double-edged (DE) razor.

I get asked about this all the time from other dudes that want to know if it’s possible to enjoy shaving so I’ve decided to share my journey here.

The Barbaric Years

First, you need to know that I’ve used all sorts of electric razors and disposable razors in my life.  I’ve used high-end stuff and cheap stuff.  I’ve also used all sorts of shaving creams and gels.

I eventually settled on shaving in the shower with Edge shaving gel and a top-of-the-line disposable Gillette razor.  I didn’t love it but that was as good as I thought it could get and I shaved that way for at least a decade.

I was always tempted to grow my beard out because I hated shaving so much but even when I did that I still had to shave my neck to avoid the mountain man look so shaving was always a part of my daily routine regardless of whether or not I was sporting a beard.

Wait a Minute

Then, one day on a whim, I decided to try C. O. Bigelow shaving cream.  I loved it and soon realized that it was made for C. O. Bigelow by Praraso.  proraso-1950s-posterProraso is an Italian company that has been making shaving products for over eighty years.

I liked the idea that I was using something that men has been using to shave successfully for so long and I felt the shave was noticeably better than anything I had achieved with my cans of chemical foams and gels.

The Proraso discovery got me wondering what else I had been missing out on.  Could it be that shaving the old fashioned way – with razors, shaving soap, and aftershave – would produce a better shave than all my modern stuff?

I was worried that it was going to be a big waste of money and time but I decided to order a DE razor and a cheap shaving brush to give it a try.

Jumping In & Feeling Foolish

When my Edwin Jagger razor arrived it felt like I was holding a fine instrument in my hand and it made my previous razors feel like cheap plastic toys.  The wooden Tweezerman brush was also a joy to hold and handle.

zqe-3212_1zI loaded the Derby blades that came with the razor and lathered up my face with the Proraso shaving cream and started learning how to shave again.

That was the weirdest part of the whole thing.  I had to learn how to shave again even though I had been shaving for over thirty years. Honestly, I was a little nervous but I decided that I would try it for at least a couple of weeks before I gave up.

While there was a slight learning curve – handling a DE razor requires less pressure and effort – I soon found that I was getting a far better shave.  And, to my astonishment, I started looking forward to shaving.  Looking forward to it, I tell you!

I’m In Love

feather-bladeNext, I started experimenting with other blades and found that I loved the Feather blades brand.  The blade you choose for shaving is really a personal preference thing but these blades were perfect for me and now I’m certain Feather blades will be my blades for life.

Eventually, I decided I wanted a better brush and splurged on an upgrade.  (My original Tweezerman brush is still awesome and now has become my travel brush.)  With my new brush, feather blades, and Edwin Jagger razor, I felt like I finally had the right tools in my hands to have an amazing shaving experience every day.

Of course, the number of shaving soaps, creams, and balms is almost unlimited and you could spend the rest of your life trying them out but I’ve found the Proraso line to be absolutely superb and very cost efficient. In fact, one of the great things about all of this is that it saves me money.

Better and Cheaper

Here’s the break down…

This entire setup cost $63.92.  (You could skip the Feather blades and get in for $50 bucks.)

Now, once you have this set of equipment the price drops dramatically.

The tub of Proraso cream (you can get it in a tube or a tub but the tub is easier because it doesn’t require a shaving mug to lather up) has lasted me over six months per unit and that’s shaving six days a week.  The blades last me a little over a week a piece so roughly they cost $1.15 a month.  The shaving cream costs me $1.66 a month.

My total cost is, at most, $2.81 a month for the best shave of  my life. That’s cheaper than Dollar Shave Club or Harry’s or any store bought disposal razors and foam!

Give It a Shot

If you’re on the fence, my advice would be to try it.  There are all kinds of videos on YouTube about how to shave with a DE razor.  Check some of those out.  Just be sure to stick with it for a few weeks and then make the call. (I’d recommend going with the Derby blades at first before moving to the Feather blades because those Feather blades are super sharp.)

I bet you’ll decide to throw all your other stuff away and enjoy this type of shaving for the rest of your life.


  1. I made the switch almost 5 years ago and I haven’t looked back! I use the Merkur razor and blades, and the Proraso in the tube. I like the Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Shaving Cream in the tub as well, but the Proraso is more economical. I tried the Feather blades, but they were a bit brutal for my face. I’ve settled on the Merkur blades. I estimate I change blades about once a month. It really has turned shaving into a daily ritual! :)

    • Charlie, you’re always ahead of the curve. I should just model my life after you to boost my cool factor!

  2. Okay, Tony. You’ve sold me. This may be my Christmas gift. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    • Great, Keith. Just don’t give up too quickly. Start slow and commit to do it for at least a few weeks. It takes a while to get the hang of how to hold the razor and such.

  3. Tony, you inspired me and yesterday I experienced my first wet shave with a safety razor. I’m never going back. Thanks for leading the way!

    • I’m glad to hear that, Brad. Tell me, what sort of blade, razor, and cream did you use?

      • I got a Merkur long handle with the blade that came with it, and I’m using Forge and Foundry Tea Tree soap which is made in Wilmington.

        • Awesome! Sounds like a great setup. Hope you continue to enjoy it. (Email me your physical address and I’ll send you some feather blades if you’d like to try them.)

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