Pressing On

The Israelites were at a crossroads. Their parents had failed to believe God and take possession of the land He promised He would give them. That was forty years ago and now the opportunity had rolled around again. God was promising to use Joshua to lead them to victory but they were going to have to fight for it. God had given them the right to the land, a command to occupy it, and a promise to be with them but they were going to have to take it one foot at a time. God told them…

I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.  Joshua 1:3 (NIV)

That’s how God works.  He gives us amazing opportunities but He seldom just drops things into our laps.  He asks us to set out in faith, one step at a time, and personally take that which He is so very willing and eager to give us.

To receive all the God wants you to receive you must move beyond merely knowing that He wants you to have it.  You must fight for it.  You must make it your own.

The Israelites were physically walking step by step, fighting as they went.  Today, we walk step by step too but we do it through the mighty promises of God.  We must grab them and own them.  We must realize that they are ours and that with them we can rout enemies, move mountains and go places we never dreamed possible.

The great truth behind all this is not that we are incredibly able but that He is.  We must move forward knowing that God cannot fail and He will not forsake.  He will see us through if we will only choose to step out and walk with Him.

Whatever it is that He has called you to do, do it with all your heart.  You may have days when you trip or fall but He is faithful and He will help you up again.  The trick is to not give up.  Press on.  Take another step.  No matter how many times you’ve blown it, failed or given up, start again and press on.  Press on trusting in His ability and His plan.  Your promised land awaits.  Press on!

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