A Call to Prayer

Ever since I returned from my study break back in July, I have felt God calling me to pray more and more.  Lately, I have had a huge burden to pray specifically for Fusion.  I’ve always prayed for our church but it seems that God wants me to focus my prayers on our church even more during this season.  Many nights, I can’t go to sleep because I feel so very burdened to pray for the church.

To be clear, there is no crisis or emergency that is driving this renewed call to prayer.  Instead, an inward urgency compels me to pray “without ceasing.” And, not only do I feel called to pray personally, I also now feel that God wants me to mobilize others to pray for our church too.

To be honest, I’ve known that for several days now but I haven’t been sure how to proceed.  I decided today, however, to just plunge in head first and figure the rest out as I go rather than wait on some huge plan to fall from heaven.

With all that in mind, I’d like to ask everyone that calls Fusion home, as well as those of you that are just interested in Fusion, to join me on a prayer journey.  I don’t know exactly what it’s going to look like but I do know that it’s time to start today.

Right now, I’m only asking people to just pray generally.  Down the road, I might be asking for greater levels of commitment for those that are interested in doing more but, for the time being, I think just getting some general prayer coverage for the church is our primary goal.

So, will you join me?  Will you commit to pray daily for Fusion during the month of October?  If so, please comment here and let me know that you’re on board.

Thank you.

(I’ll start posting specific prayer requests for the church soon.)


  1. I already have Fusion on my prayer list and will continue in prayer for our church.

  2. I already have Fusion on my prayer list and will continue in prayer for our church.

  3. We’re in and we’ll also forward your prayer request to our small group.

  4. We’re in and we’ll also forward your prayer request to our small group.

  5. Fusion is home, and the home must be taken care of for the family to feel safe and at peace. I will pray.

  6. Fusion is home, and the home must be taken care of for the family to feel safe and at peace. I will pray.

  7. I’m on board! I too feel that “urgency” with these uncertain times. God has stirred my heart lately to get deeper into His word and pray more fervently. I will partner with you all to uplift our church , the ministries and the workers. Kathy

  8. I’m on board! I too feel that “urgency” with these uncertain times. God has stirred my heart lately to get deeper into His word and pray more fervently. I will partner with you all to uplift our church , the ministries and the workers. Kathy

  9. Please count me in. I will continue to Pray for Our Church and Our Church Family.

  10. Please count me in. I will continue to Pray for Our Church and Our Church Family.

  11. Starting a prayer list today and Fusion will be on it for sure! God Bless!

  12. Starting a prayer list today and Fusion will be on it for sure! God Bless!

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